Advanced Aeration Technologies
Inland Empire Regional Composting Facility
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Treats 150,000 tons per year
Completed in 2007
Largest biofilter in North America (and possibly the world!)
Serving LA County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) and Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA)
The Inland Empire Regional Composting Facility (IERCF), constructed under a Joint Powers Authority Agreement between the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) and the LA County Sanitation Districts (LACSD), remains one of the most impressive composting facilities in history – and represents one of BacTee’s most notable and ambitious projects.
The facility processes a blend of green waste, dairy manure, and biosolids using aerated static piles – all fully enclosed in a repurposed IKEA warehouse. The massive facility has close proximity to industrial and residential neighbors and was constructed with the lofty goal of being “completely nuisance free” – making odor control one of the project’s highest priorities.
Extensive testing of various biofilter technologies made it clear that optimum biofilter performance depends greatly on uniformity of air distribution – this led the design engineers working on the project to learn the BacTee BioAer biofilter was the ideal solution for this project. The BioAer system distributes air to the organic media (wood chip and compost) biofilter at 800,000 CFM (1,360,000 m3/hr) – making it the largest biofiltration odor control system in the US – if not the world.